
We strive to ensure that the right environment exists to allow our industry to flourish, whilst maintaining the Island's reputation as a safe and well-regulated international financial centre.

Working together for our industry

We strive to ensure that the right environment exists to allow our industry to flourish, whilst maintaining the Island's reputation as a safe and well-regulated international financial centre.

A vital element of our work is the promotion of the Island and the fund industry to the international investment community through co-operation with the government and other private sector organisations.

We attend many of the major conferences and organise a series of thought leadership functions to help get our message across. Please see our events page for further details.


The IOMWFSA is a not-for-profit organisation, its objectives are:

  • to promote the services offered by the wealth and fund services community both nationally and internationally;
  • to provide a forum for networking and business development for members;
  • to facilitate the sharing of good practice within the wealth and fund Services community;
  • to voice and represent the interests of the wealth and fund Services community and their clients;
  • and to seek to influence policy and decision makers, regulators and law makers to the benefit of the wealth and fund services community and their clients; and
  • to lead the debate on how the wealth & Fund Services community could and should respond to changes to the industry.


Membership is available for any persons who are part of, or connected with, the Isle of Man wealth and fund cervices community and such other persons as the committee deem eligible for membership.  Please contact us for further information on how to join [email protected]